
Recognize and Appreciate

"Research indicates that employees have three prime needs: Interesting work, recognition for doing a good job, and being let in on things that are going on in the company." - Zig Ziglar #leadersarentbullies #healthyworkplaces #psychologicalsafetyatworkact #metoo

Misaligned Values

"Japanese management prioritizes group consensus and long-term loyalty, while American management values individual achievement and short-term results." - Richard Lewis "Americans file more lawsuits per capita than Japanese people. This is because Japan's court system is designed to resolve disputes quickly and economically, so opposing parties rarely take their case to trial." - Kevin R. Clermont No surprise Toray Plastics America, based in North Kingstown, RI, sued me on false grounds and more than four years later dismissed the case with prejudice and paid my legal fees without Toray Industries of Tokyo's awareness.

Change Bad Behaviors

"What happens when you get any kind of entrenched power is that it just becomes kind of corrupt and self-serving." - Irvine Welsh "Entrenched bureaucracies are always opposed to fundamental changes." - Christopher Dodd #healthyworkplaces #stepup Workplace bullying may be normalized behavior, tolerated as part of the “way things have always been done.” Demand change! #LeadersArentBullies

Positive Results and Confidence

"Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results." - Willie Nelson "Be courteous to all, but intimate with few, and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence." - George Washington #leadersarentbullies #innerpeace #stepup   #BeTransparent #metoo movement #psychologicalsafetyatworkact

Freedom and Respect and Innovation

"For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others." - Nelson Mandela "A noble purpose inspires sacrifice, stimulates innovation and encourages perseverance." - Gary Hamel #leadersarentbullies #healthyworkplaces #stepup #BeTransparent #metoo #innerpeace #psychologicalsafetyatworkact

Fairness and Altruism

"The Goliath Corporation is falling far short of its promises of fairness and altruism." - Jasper Fforde "The collusion of big business, big labor, and big government threaten the spirit of small business that makes America great." - Foster Friess #leadersarentbullies #healthyworkplaces #psychologicalsafetyatworkact

The Right Culture Accomplishes

"The right people, culture, and values can accomplish great things." - Tricia Griffith "The greatest accomplishment is in rising again after you fall." - Vince Lombardi "When decency is the norm; integrity, honesty, compassion, kindness, and trust thrive." - Raja Krishnamoorthi #leadersarentbullies #innerpeace #metoo  #healthyworkplaces #BeTransparent  #psychologicalsafetyatworkact Organizational culture is shared values, beliefs, and behaviors influencing how people get things accomplished.