Below please find Toray vs. Paknis timeline update XV, dated 9-16-24, explaining why Toray Plastics America (TPA) and Toray International America (TIA) sued me in December 2018 and threatened my publisher with a lawsuit in June of 2019. In their suit, TPA lied and claimed a common reader could identify TPA in my book. By suing me, TPA brought their concerns public and outed themselves, accomplishing the TPA notoriety they claimed I caused with my book. Bringing their suit to the public domain, combined with changes in state and federal non-disclosure laws, allows me to discuss the case and show how TPA used the Federal Justice System to bully me. Toray also threatened my publisher who then signed over the rights of the book to me and stopped publishing, printing, distributing, marketing, and selling my book, Successful Leaders Aren't Bullies, released September, 2018. Their suit also scared away publishers. The book is legal and tight. It was reviewed by four (4) separate ed