Comfort and Protect


Your bday wishes are most appreciated!

Today, I wish for you to please consider  comforting/protecting those you witness, or suspect are, being bullied.

75% of US are aware of work/school place abuse, yet only 13% respond.

Wherever and however possible, let's change this! Bullies are cowards. 

"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." -Martin Luther King, Jr.

Thank you!

#leadersarentbullies #healthyworkplaces #leaderselevatethoughtandconduct #stepup #DignityAtWorkAct

Coworkers collaborate and rally around their bullied coworker by confronting the bully and reporting the bully’s abusive behaviors to their employer or authorities in about 13% of workplace bullying cases according to a 2014 WBI U.S. Workplace Bullying Survey. #stepup


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