Speak Up to Stop Injustice
"There is no ageism or 'youthism' when it comes to freedom of speech. We are all citizens." - Jacques Parizeau
"When you see something that is not right, not fair, not just, you have to speak up. You have to say something; you have to do something." - John Lewis
#endbullying #BeTransparent #STEPup #leadersarentbullies #metoomovement #healthyworkenvironments #happiness #leaderselevatethoughtandconduct #MeToo #psychologicalsafetyatworkact
29% of those 24 years & younger reported getting bullied. The same percentage was reported by those 50 & older. Experts suggest both age groups are vulnerable, the younger people because of their inexperience and the older people because of society’s obsession with youth.