
Showing posts from October, 2024

Freedom, Listening, and Respect

"The freedom to criticize judges and other public officials is necessary to a vibrant democracy. The problem comes when healthy criticism is replaced with more destructive intimidation and sanctions." - Sandra Day O'Connor "One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say." - Bryant H. McGill #endbullying #BeTransparent #stepup #metoo #healthyworkenvironments #innerpeace #leadersarentbullies #metoomovement #leaderselevatethoughtandconduct #psychologicalsafetyatworkact

Justice Will Be Served

Below please find my response to a friend and colleague who had a personal encounter with Judge William E. Smith.  My friend asked me about my experiences with Smith.   Following please find the facts of my professional legal experiences with RI Federal Court Judge Smith and Magistrate Patricia A. Sullivan.   Facts: In March 2023 Toray dismissed my case, with prejudice, and paid my considerable legal bills. I signed nothing. This suggests they admitted the case was frivolous and neither Toray or Smith wanted the case to be heard in public.  Toray dismissed 51 months after filing the lawsuit in December 2018.  Normal federal court filing to hearing time is 12 to 14 months.   Smith and Magistrate Sullivan were former law partners whose firm likely served Toray.  Toray's counsel clerked for Sullivan. None of this was disclosed.  No one recused themselves.  Toray filed in 12/2018.  I was assigned a mediation with Sullivan and ...

Include and Protect

"The worst cruelty that can be inflicted on a human being is isolation." - Sukarno "To become truly great, one has to stand with people, not above them." - Montesquieu "Where you see wrong or inequality or injustice, speak out, because this is your country." - Thurgood Marshall #endbullying #BeTransparent #StepUp #metoo #innerpeace #metoomovement #healthyworkenvironments #leaderselevatethoughtandconduct #psychologicalsafetyatworkact Given the profile of a prosocial and positive target, bullies often command coworkers to isolate the target, prohibiting them from helping the target on work-related tasks, or fraternizing with the target, or even taking breaks at the same time. #LeadersArentBullies

Exceptional Moderation

"Exceptional leaders don't impart just vision, rather they cultivate the emergence of vision." - Sudha Murty "Real liberty is neither found in despotism or the extremes of democracy, but in moderate governments." - Alexander Hamilton

Be Real Authentic

"Some people think that the truth can be hidden with a little cover-up and decoration. But as time goes by, what is true is revealed, and what is fake fades away." - lsmail Haniyeh #endbullying #BeTransparent #StepUp #metoo #leadersarentbullies #innerpeace #metoomovement  #healthyworkenvironments #leaderselevatethoughtandconduct #psychologicalsafetyatworkact

David vs. Goliath

Below please find an updated Toray vs. Paknis abbreviated timeline, dated 10-26-2024, explaining why Toray Plastics America (TPA) sued me in Providence Federal Court in December 2018 and threatened my publisher with a lawsuit in June of 2019. The Goal in Writing Successful Leaders Aren't Bullies was for the book to be considered the universal go to source for people and organizations seeking protection and freedom from workplace bullying and abuse.   The book presents real life, yet scrubbed to protect identities, workplace bullying cases I addressed during my 25 + year long international consulting career.  The book was released in 9/2018 and was well received.  It gained an immediate and strong following until a  former client, Toray Plastics America, sued me in 12/2018 on false grounds, claiming a common reader could identify Toray in my book.  Toray also threatened to sue, in 6/2019, my publisher, unless they stopped printing and distributing my book....


"The roots of goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness." - Dalai Lama "We free ourselves when our compassion embraces all living creatures, the whole of nature and its beauty." - Albert Einstein "People shun if they don't keep an open mind." - Joel Madden #endbullying #BeTransparent #StepUp #metoo #innerpeace #healthyworkenvironments #leadersarentbullies #metoomovement #leaderselevatethoughtandconduct #psychologicalsafetyatworkact Groups tend to expel members whose goodness regarding generosity, kindness, and concern for the well-being of others exceeds theirs. The group throws out altruists because, by comparison, the greedier and more self-interested members can’t stand goodness.

Integrity and Consensus

"One of the truest tests of integrity is its blunt refusal to be compromised." - Chinua Achebe "A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way." - John C. Maxwell "A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus." - Martin Luther King, Jr. #endbullying #BeTransparent #stepup #metoo #leadersarentbullies #innerpeace #metoomovement #healthyworkenvironments #leaderselevatethoughtandconduct #psychologicalsafetyatworkact


"The one characteristic that connects all the defendants is a genuine incapacity to feel with their fellow . Evil, I think, is the absence of empathy." - G. M Gilbert, known for writing of and observing Nazi leaders at Nuremberg. "All around you are people whose lives are filled with trouble and sorrow, and they need your compassion and encouragement." - Billy Graham #stepup   #innerpeace   #endbullying   #metoo   #leadersarentbullies   #BeTransparent

Freedom of Speech and Freedom to a Fair Trial

Below please find an updated Toray vs. Paknis abbreviated timeline, dated 10-22-2024, explaining why Toray Plastics America (TPA) sued me in Providence Federal Court in December 2018 and threatened my publisher with a lawsuit in June of 2019. The Goal in Writing Successful Leaders Aren't Bullies was for the book to be considered the universal go to source for people and organizations seeking protection and freedom from workplace bullying and abuse.   The book presents real life, yet scrubbed to protect identities, workplace bullying cases I addressed during my 25 + year long international consulting career.  The book was released in 9/2018 and was well received.  It gained an immediate and strong following until a  former client, Toray Plastics America, sued me in 12/2018 on false grounds, claiming a common reader could identify Toray in my book.  Toray also threatened to sue, in 6/2019, my publisher, unless they stopped printing and distributing my book....

Self Control

"Not to have control over the senses is like sailing in a rudderless ship, bound to break to pieces on coming in contact with the very first rock." -  Mahatma Gandhi "The only power to which people should aspire is that which is exercised over themselves." - Elie Wiesel #metoo #stepup #endbullying #innerpeace #leadersarentbullies #BeTransparent #healthyworkenvironments #metoomovement #leaderselevatethoughtandconduct #psychologicalsafetyatworkact Why are managers not prepared? Why are they incompetent to deal with bullies? The fact is relatively few businesses and management schools teach about power and control dynamics.


"Society is unity in diversity." - George Herbert Mead "To be a utilitarian is to try to do what will have the best consequences for all of those affected." - Peter Singer "We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately." - Benjamin Franklin


“Abuse is never deserved, it is an exploitation of innocence and physical disadvantage, which is perceived as an opportunity by the abuser.” – Lorraine Nilon “Survivors of abuse show us the strength of their personal spirit every time they smile.” – Jeanne McElvaney “Trauma creates change you don’t choose. Healing is about creating change you do choose.” – Michelle Rosenthall #endbullying #innerpeace #stepup #metoo #leadersarentbullies #BeTransparent #healthyworkenvironments #metoomovement #leaderselevatethoughtandconduct #psychologicalsafetyatworkact  

Never Give Up!

Below please find an updated Toray vs. Paknis abbreviated timeline, dated 10-18-2024, explaining why Toray Plastics America (TPA) sued me in Providence Federal Court in December 2018 and threatened my publisher with a lawsuit in June of 2019. The Goal in Writing Successful Leaders Aren't Bullies was for the book to be considered the universal go to source for people and organizations seeking protection and freedom from workplace bullying and abuse.   The book presents real life, yet scrubbed to protect identities, workplace bullying cases I addressed during my 25 + year long international consulting career.  The book was released in 9/2018 and was well received.  It gained an immediate and strong following until a  former client, Toray Plastics America, sued me in 12/2018 on false grounds, claiming a common reader could identify Toray in my book.  Toray also threatened to sue, in 6/2019, my publisher, unless they stopped printing and distributing my book....

Confront Abuse

"When it comes to racism, discrimination, corruption, public lies, dictatorships, and human rights, you have to take a stand as a reporter because I think our responsibility as journalist is to confront those who are abusing power." - Jorge Ramos #endbullying #Betransparent #innerpeace #leadersarentbullies #metoomovement #stepup #healthyworkenvironments #psychologicalsafetyatworkact #leaderselevatethoughtandconduct If a bully uses employer-owned tech to post discriminatory messages violating the rights of employees classified in protected classes, victims may file complaints against the employer based on its failure to protect its employees against discrimination in the form of cyber bullying.

Influence and Educate

"Leadership is influence." - John C. Maxwell "Educate the masses, elevate their standard of intelligence, and you will certainly have a successful nation." - Alexander Graham Bell

Be Your Hero

“Nine times out of ten, the story behind the misbehavior won’t make you angry, it will break your heart.” - Annette Breaux “Our brains are wired for connection, but trauma rewires them for protection. That’s why healthy relationships are difficult for wounded people.” - Ryan North “As traumatized children, we always dreamed that someone would come and save us. We never dreamed that it would, in fact, be ourselves as adults.” - Alice Little #innerpeace #endbullying #BeTransparent #metoo #stepup

Transcend Abuse

Below please find an updated Toray vs. Paknis abbreviated timeline, dated 10-14-2024, explaining why Toray Plastics America (TPA) sued me in Providence Federal Court in December 2018 and threatened my publisher with a lawsuit in June of 2019. The Goal in Writing Successful Leaders Aren't Bullies was for the book to be considered the universal go to source for people and organizations seeking protection and freedom from workplace bullying and abuse.   The book presents real life, yet scrubbed to protect identities, workplace bullying cases I addressed during my 25 + year long international consulting career.  The book was released in 9/2018 and was well received.  It gained an immediate and strong following until a  former client, Toray Plastics America, sued me in 12/2018 on false grounds, claiming a common reader could identify Toray in my book.  Toray also threatened to sue, in 6/2019, my publisher, unless they stopped printing and distributing my book....


“Creating an atmosphere of mutual respect and consideration for boundaries can lead to happiness.” – Nancy B. Urbach "Our world must avoid being a community of dreadful fear and hate, and be, instead, a proud confederation of mutual trust and respect." - Dwight D. Eisenhower #endbullying #BeTransparent #metoo #stepup #leadersarentbullies #metoomovement #healthyworkenvironments #innerpeace #leaderselevatethoughtandconduct #psychologicalsafetyatworkact In several client organizations, workers complained of being held “captive” by bullying bosses who use company-issued cell phones to contact subordinates whenever desired. This technology allows bullies to invade target and victim boundaries outside of work.


"Goodness is about character - integrity, honesty, kindness, generosity, moral courage, and the like. More than anything else, it is about how we treat other people." - Dennis Prager "Live so that when your children think of fairness, caring, and integrity, they think of you." - H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Recognition and Appreciation

"Recognition is a reward in itself. Any form of appreciation, even a small word, is important." - Vikrant Massey "Appreciation is a wonderful thing: It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well." - Voltaire #endbullying #BeTransparent #metoo #stepup #leadersarentbullies #metoomovement #healthyworkenvironments #innerpeace #leaderselevatethoughtandconduct #psychologicalsafetyatworkact

My Constitutional Rights to Free Speech and a Fair Trial were Violated by Toray Plastics America

Below please find an updated Toray vs. Paknis abbreviated timeline, dated 10-10-2024, explaining why Toray Plastics America (TPA) sued me in Providence Federal Court in December 2018 and threatened my publisher with a lawsuit in June of 2019. "The fundamental problem is that there's no credibility in the judicial system. It is a system that's been completely politicized. This is retaliation and selective repression." - Leopoldo Lopez Workplace Bullying Targets do many things right, like write books to address and stop abusive and corrupt behaviors.  This, of course, makes bullies jealous and irrational in retaliation. Summer 2024:   I started journaling and sharing the truth about Toray Plastics America's malicious and baseless lawsuit against me.   January 2024:   I submitted a demand letter to Toray Plastics America seeking payment and restitution for TPA'S Malicious Prosecution and related, extensive, personal and professional injuries, harm, and da...

Protection from Cyberbullying

"It's unfortunate that cyberbullying happens to 13-year-old kids in junior high and adults in the workplace. It's something we have to deal with as Americans." - Karen Civil "Power is no blessing in itself, except when it is used to protect the innocent." - Jonathan Swift #endbullying #BeTransparent #metoo #stepup #leadersarentbullies #metoomovement #healthyworkenvironments #happiness #leaderselevatethoughtandconduct #psychologicalsafetyatworkact #peaceofmind #Cyberbullying has become a significant problem in the past decade. The ubiquity of handheld and other devices affords bullies anytime access to their prey, and harassment can often be carried out anonymously.


"The greatness of America lies not in being more enlightened than any other nation, but rather in her ability to repair her faults." - Alexis de Tocqueville "Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character and goodness." - Anne Frank #endbullying #BeTransparent #metoo #stepup #leadersarentbullies #metoomovement #healthyworkenvironments #happiness #leaderselevatethoughtandconduct #psychologicalsafetyatworkact

Confidence and Competence

A bully's greatest fear is being exposed as an incompetent fraud.  They then target and attack the most talented and decent workers who trigger this fear and insecurity.  "The biggest challenge was becoming a leader and taking our team to the highest level. Overcoming fear of inadequacy and never getting down on yourself or doubting who you are." - David Robinson #endbullying #BeTransparent #stepup #metoo #leadersarentbullies #metoomovement #healthyworkenvironments #happiness #leaderselevatethoughtandconduct #psychologicalsafetyatworkact

Bullies Are Jealous and Irrational in Retaliation.

Workplace Bullying Targets do many things right, like write books to address and stop abusive and corrupt behaviors.  This, of course, makes bullies jealous and irrational in retaliation. "The fundamental problem is that there's no credibility in the judicial system. It is a system that's been completely politicized. This is retaliation and selective repression." - Leopoldo Lopez Below please find an updated Toray vs. Paknis abbreviated timeline, dated 10-6-2024, explaining why Toray Plastics America (TPA) sued me in Providence Federal Court in December 2018. Please read more here: