Priests and Goldman Sachs and Enrons (McKinseys & Arthur Andersens).....Oh my!

This is to benefit victims and survivors; those who are suffering at the hands of organizational members; be they priests, traders, consultants, or accountants, whose deceptive behaviors and incompetent leaders - like fish stinking from their heads, fostered abuse and deceit, self serving protection and power, greed, and quick or disturbed gains over ethical, good, and honest decisions.
Successful survivors follow Four Steps to overcome abuse and fraud.
1. Successful survivors reveal the truth to trained professionals. They share all their related secrets and shed light on the perpetration. Victims often falsely believe the abusive and deleterious behaviors committed against them are somehow their fault. This relates to people who are molested and to people who are duped by phony, and contrived, investment vehicles.
Blame always belongs to the instigator / perpetrator. The only way to melt erroneous compartments and their related power and control dynamics is to share the truth with trained professionals. This lifts a tremendous weight and puts the power back in the hands its rightful owner: the survivor. Bullies hate the truth.
2. Successful survivors identify cognitive distortions based on their victimization. Victims can carry a ton of guilt and shame with them, thinking they are to blame for others' malfeasance. This can generate a false sense of poor confidence. In extreme cases, a victim's psyche may cultivate obsessive thoughts to distract from their extreme emotional pain.
It's important for survivors to speak openly about their abuse, so their internal fears and criticisms can be exposed and their compartments melted, so integrated functioning, and present moment joy, are possible.
Healthy survivors separate facts from opinions and approach life from a rational, realistic, objective, and mature perspective.
3. Successful survivors look at their destructive behavioral patterns, rooted in abuse related cognitive distortions, and make better present moment choices. They make constructive and good decisions leading to positive outcomes.
Successful survivors choose behaviors with present moment awareness. They can identify the connection between behaviors associated with inordinate fears and criticisms and choose behaviors allowing them to live free, where they feel in control of their destinies.
4. Healthy Survivors integrate their "true" sense of self with validating / affirming healthier people. They choose to affiliate with people who share their values and beliefs, and who reinforce their positive identities.
Victims may isolate themselves, as their perpetrators prefer. As a result, they do not cultivate the supportive and constructive friendships needed to grow and evolve into healthy survivors.
Successful survivors form healthy identities by sharing secrets, identifying distortions, choosing healthy behaviors, and surrounding themselves with healthier people who affirm their positive identities.
The next entry will be written as a warning to perpetrators, and their supporting hierarchies; to those who think they are fooling us by projecting images of success, accomplishment, and affiliation when, in reality, their phoniness and destructive behaviors are very apparent. They will be exposed. Justice will be served.
They have little hearts, little brains, and little courage.
"Power currupts, absolute power currupts absolutely."
Cpt. Mike
It's in these cultures where ego - affiliation and achievement, are prioritized, where one's identity and role within the organization becomes more important than the benefit to those being served by the organization, where selfish, deceptive, and narcissistic behaviors flourish.
Where's the humility? Where's the integrity? Where are the honest, selfless, and self critical leaders?
We're here, and we're tired of these miscreants ruining it for others.
There are for profit, and not for profit, organizations striving to maintain integrity with honest self assessment while generating handsome profits and contributing volumes to the needy.
I am very fortunate to serve many of these organizations.
The organizations highlighted in my heading appear to have lost their ways, but not their means.
It seems they abandoned the principles and values responsible for their initial success. Real leadership - elevating thought and conduct to benefit all, appears to be grossly absent.
Rather than strengthening their most vulnerable members / clients, as great societies and organizations do, members of these highlighted organizations were allowed to perpetrate them.
This is Chris Jilleba - Love your site - Your right Power Corrupts - you and your family look terrific