Happy St. Patrick's Day!
My dad always said I looked like a leprechaun. Will soon find out if, in fact, I have some Irish Blood in me with my Ancestry DNA analysis, but isn't everyone a little Irish today? This is Ms. Simister's Nursery School on Greenwood Avenue in Madison, NJ, 1966. Slainte!
"Working on problems and self-examination is a sign of strength." - Dana Reeve
"There can be no faith in government if our highest offices are excused from scrutiny; they should be setting the example of transparency." - Edward Snowden
#healthyworkplaces #stepup
#leaderselevatethoughtandconduct #DignityatWorkAct
Great managers and coaches and teachers and leaders are constantly inspecting themselves and their organizations to expose their weaknesses or flaws to remove or improve these flaws to make themselves and their organizations better. #LeadersArentBullies