Educate, Heal, and Stop the Cycle

"Education in the key to preventing the cycle of violence and hatred that marred the 20th century from repeating itself in the 21st century." - Elie Wiesel

"Violence will only increase the cycle of violence." - Dalai Lama

#endbullying #betransparent #stepup #metoo #peaceofmind #leadersarentbullies #healthyworkenvironments #metoomovement #leaderselevatethoughtandconduct #psychologicalsafetyatworkact

Being bullied and berated at work may lead a target to repeat the abuse cycle if a victim lacks self awareness and the character to stop the abuse. If an abused victim of workplace bullying supervises others, these employees may become targets. The chain of abuse initiated several levels above front-line workers lands on their shoulders. They, in turn, may direct the rage at people they come across in their homes, in public, towards their friends, pets, etc.


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